Author: The Modernish Father

Kira and the old man


Jake and Nog turn a shipment of worthless condiments into a vast business empire, while Kira reluctantly embraces her new job hassling old coots.

O'Brien and a big angry cloud

The Storyteller

O’Brien gets tapped to save a village with his loud Irish pipes, while Jake and Nog avert a possible civil war through the power of puppy love.

Kira and Opaka

Battle Lines

Bajor’s lady pope goes for a joyride with Sisko and crew, but ends up in the middle of a never-ending war. Kira comes to grips with her inner bitch.

Odo and Croden


One of Quark’s smuggling deals goes bad, resulting in a murder. Unfortunately for Odo, the untrustworthy killer might be the key to figuring out where he comes from.

Quark enjoys being the Grand Nagus

The Nagus

The leader of the Ferengi arrives on the station, presenting Quark with both opportunity and danger. Meanwhile, Jake and Nog take part in an after school special.

Move Along Home

Quark cheats some new aliens at a game of chance and the producers are forced to go all-in on a crazy, TOS-style script.

Bashir gets choked

The Passenger

A dangerous prisoner dies during a shipboard fire, but his ghost is causing trouble on the station. And Odo gets his panties in a wad.

Dax, looking forlorn


Jadzia Dax is put on trial for a crime she didn’t commit…or at least half of her definitely didn’t.

Q and Vash


Picard’s old flame shows up on DS9 looking to sell some trinkets and give Q the slip. Because it’s a small galaxy after all.